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If the Vision of New Culture is to Establish a New Relationship with Everything That Exists;

Relying on Human Potential, Continuous Curiosity, Staying in the Creative Process, Developing Models with the Passion of Combining Science and Art, Applying, Sharing, I Adapt to the New and Develop a New Relationship!


My Profession:


Human Resources Management, Human Potential, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Transformation&Culture Development, Creativity Development, Inermodel Expressive Arts, Gestalt, Organizational Well-Being. Employee Experience & Engagement.



Work Experience


  • As an HR Director, I took part in managing transformation, culture change,  and organizational structuring processes. I have also been HR manager for six different companies and have experience in both national and international sectors. My main focus was the agile and effective tool implementation for performance development of human and organizational potential in the transition processes. 

  • Since 2013, I have developed and led a number f coaching projects. Some organizations where I have implemented these projects are John Hopkins, Yenibirlider etc. I have over 2000 hours of Gestalt Coaching and Expressive Arts practice experience.

  • During my 20 years of work experience, I collaborated with universities, participated in lectures and worked closely with young generations in business adaptation projects. I supported them in career choices and adaptation in their education abroad. I actively coached various social responsibility associations and projects.




  • Doctorate Degree in Intermodal Expressive Arts: Therapy, Coaching, Counseling, Education, Conflict Management and Peacebuilding - (Honorary Degree "Magna Cum Laude") - Switzerland) 

  • Master'Degree in Management and Organizational Psychology - Turkey

  • University Degree in Labor Economics and Industrial Relations - Turkey


Some of My Certificates about Exacutive Coaching, Leadership, Talent Development, Transformation &  Well-Being: 

Examples of Expressive Arts, Leadership, Coaching, Gestalt, Transformation, Human Resources, and Communication Certifications and Accreditation representing 1812 hours of my 3200 total hours:

  • Gestalt Center for Coaching™-  2012 -2013 - ACTP -  Turkey & Canada (160 Hours)

  • Intermodel Expressive Arts Coaching , Consulting, Conflict Transformation, Therapy and Peacebuilding - CAGS- 2016-2017,  Switzerland (336 Hours)

  • Intermodel Expressive Arts Coaching- 2018,  Switzerland (120 Hours)

  • Intermodel Expressive Arts and Gestalt Therapy -2011 -2012 - Turkey (192 Hours)

  • Intermodel Expressive Arts & Pychology Seminars -2015 -2016 - Turkey/ Slovenia (48 Hours)

  • Coming Back to Center - 2013-2014-2015 ( Centering Somatic Practices with Nature, Arts and Horses in Leadership) - Italy ( 144 Hours) 

  • Talent Development Models in Action - 2015-2017, Turkey/ Spain/ Austria ( 64Hours)

  • Creativity in Coaching - 2017-  Turkey (16 Hours)

  • How Human Resources Create Value - 2015 -2016 - Spain/Austria (48 Hours)

  • IEDC Human Resources Strategic Partner- 2011 - 2012 -  Slovenia ( 64 Hours)

  • Sabancı ACT Leadership  Programı - 2010- Turkey ( 112 saat)

  • Profil International & SHL Asssesment Center Evaluation - 2007-2008 - Turkey ( 32 Hours)

  • Effective Team Building Technics in times of Transformation - 2016 - Turkey (32 Hours)

  • Effective Communication Skills Development in times of Transformation - 2008-2010 (128 Hours)

  • Yin Yoga -  2015 - 2016 Turkey ( 200 Hours)

  • Feldenkrais Summit 2020-2021-2022 USA/Online (180 Hours)


Trust in Human Potential

Change begins primarily with the development of awareness and new perspectives. It is then the process of developing creativity and potential skill and integrating it into life. Personal and organization-specific design, on the other hand, makes this process effective and It contributes to transforming change into opportunity without being exhausted. Everyone is creative and creativity thrives at any age.

Sustainability and Building New Relationships

Sustainability can be achieved through the creative responses of people to the new situation. Every new situation; It involves establishing a new relationship with the existing such as pandemic, new job, remote work, technological progress.

Human mostly learns from experience. Trying this experiential field outside of real life gives him perspective and confidence.

Generational Differences and Synergy

The challenges and development methods of each generation are different. With empirical methods and Gestalt method, ONC reaches every generation. It is applied online and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by doctoral research results. Thus, creating and working together with the different strengths of each generation creates synergy.

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